Hello dear friends in Christ Jesus,
We pray at this time that you are filled to overflowing with the unending peace of God. We are living in unprecedented times, yet THE KING is on His throne and we belong to Him.
As we are unable to gather physically at this time, we wanted to
give you an update on our events.
We would like to invite you to join us when you can, as led by the Lord,
for our online video gatherings via Skype.
Below you will find details of our Skype video gatherings.
NOTE: If you plan to join us, do sort this out in advance of the gatherings and not during,
as we will not be able to connect you while the gatherings are in progress.
March Glory Gathering
We will be gathering online via Skype video this coming
Friday 27th March starting at 7:30pm GMT,
for a time of worship and Rob will be bringing a message.
Weekly Online Gatherings
Starting Saturday the 4th of April and until further notice, we will be gathering online via Skype video every Saturday from 1:00pm GMT to 5:00pm GMT for Worship, Teaching and Bible Studies.
Weekly Online Prayer
Starting Wednesday the 1st of April and until further notice, we will be gathering online via Skype video every Wednesday from 7:30pm GMT to 10:00pm GMT for a time of prayer.
With love in Jesus
Michèle and the His Fragrance Team
It is time for the Bride of Christ to awaken.
Jesus is waking up His Bride, a great move is coming where the transforming power of God will bring a reformation so influential we will begin to see kingdom transformation touch our society like never before.
We will be His Fragrance!!!
As a ministry we are excited to see what God is doing in this generation.
We want to be ones who help facilitate this move.
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Contact Us
If you would like to contact us or make a donation you can use
the form below or email us at info@hisfragrance.co.uk
His Fragrance Ministries | Courtyard Room | Moggerhanger Park | Park Road
Moggerhanger | Bedfordshire | MK44 3RW | UNITED KINGDOM