How to Join His Fragrance Video Gatherings using Skype
You will need a home computer OR a tablet OR a smartphone.
And a Wifi Connection to the internet.
Make sure your phone is connected to home Wifi ONLY when you use Skype!!!
Here are the instructions to download Skype to your chosen device.
(if you already have Skype you can skip this step
and go to the CONNECT TO HIS FRAGRANCE section below)
I’ve got a home computer
1. Follow this link: Download Skype​
2. Select your Computer type (usually Windows)
3.Select 'Get Skype For Windows'
4.Double-click the SkypeSetup program that you just saved or just click Run, if you have that option. If a User Account Control window pops up asking you for permission, just click Continue.
I've got an iPad or iphone
Go to the App Store:
Search Skype
“Get” Skype for iPad or iPhone
I’ve got a tablet or a smartphone (any type)
Go to the Google Play Store
Search Skype
“Install” Skype
Once Skype is installed on your device, open it and follow the instructions to create your Account and login. Or login if you already have an account.
Make sure your phone is connected to home Wifi ONLY when you use Skype!!!
Login to Skpye
Search for michele.grandfield.
Send Michèle a request to connect via Skype.
When your request has been accepted, Michèle will then add you to the HIS FRAGRANCE group, which will come up in your 'chats' list.
Once connected and added to the HIS FRAGRANCE group you, will be able to connect whenever you feel to join our gatherings, click on the group in 'chat' and press the join button.
Open Skype before the time of each gathering and you will be called. Or join the call by clicking on the HIS FRAGRANCE group in your 'chats' list and pressing the join button.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the gathering has already started please put your microphone on mute.
If you need further information do contact us at info@hisfragrance.co.uk